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Human Rights Policy


PONTE Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") ("PONTE") has established a Human Rights Policy based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (including the International Bill of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work). This policy applies to all officers and employees of the Company. We will also encourage our business partners to understand this policy and to respect and not infringe upon human rights.


1.Compliance with the Law

 We will comply with the Law and other social rules, and conduct fair and honest corporate activities based on social norms.


2. Respect for Human Rights

 We require all officers and employees to respect human rights and will not tolerate unfair discrimination based on race, gender, religion, gender identity, disability, or other factors.


3. Verification and Prevention

 We shall continuously verify whether our corporate activities have any negative impact on human rights, and shall strive to identify, prevent, and reduce the impact of our activities on human rights.


4. Remedy and Correction

 In the event that a negative impact on human rights occurs, or it is found that the impact may be contributing to human rights violations, we will take appropriate action to investigate the cause and prevent recurrence, and strive to remedy and correct the situation.


5. Education and Awareness

 We will continuously educate and enlighten our employees to ensure that this policy is implemented in our business activities.


In order to prevent human rights violations, we have established a reception/information desk for whistleblowers and promise to protect them from unfair personnel treatment (e.g., dismissal, demotion) or other disadvantages that may result from their reporting, and we will take sincere steps to resolve any problems they may encounter.


We will strive to provide information on our efforts based on this policy through our website and other means.

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